5 Networking tips (with NFC business cards)

Networking is part and parcel of the corporate world; it’s how we establish connections, canvas leads and also maintain amicable working relationships with our business partners. Yet in today’s increasingly connected digital world, networking in person may still be daunting to many. Not to worry, here’s 5 networking tips for you to up your networking game!
- Sharing your NFC business card
Near field communication (NFC) technology allows for wireless data transmission over short distances using radio waves. As NFC-equipped phones becoming a norm, sharing your contact details and socials to people you connect with is as easy easy as a tap. Apple users tap on the top of the phone; Android users tap on the back. Voilà! Your digital business card pops up instantly on your screen.
Just imagine: pulling out a sleek NFC business card out of your pocket and tapping it on the other person’s phone to instantly share your contact details with them. With something outside of the norm, this is a perfect tool to use in networking events or even business meetings as the people are bound to remember you.
- Make instant updates to your contact details
Design your NFC business card with a sleek, minimalistic layout, as your interactive digital business profile holds all the essential details. Enjoy the freedom to update your information on the go, saving both time and money compared to traditional paper cards.
Image of business card designs
Bumpp, our cutting-edge business card alternative, allows instant edits to your profile. For client-facing professionals, keeping contact details up-to-date is crucial, and Bumpp ensures changes reflect instantly. On top of that, people who have exchanged contacts with Bumpp users will also receive notifications informing them of the changes made.
- NFC business cards as a conversation starter
While NFC technology is not new, many still stick to using traditional paper name cards to introduce themselves. Using a NFC business card as an introduction sparks curiosity and ignites conversations. This way, you will be able to avoid any awkward situations at networking events, and may even be able to find some common topics with the people you connect with!
Bumpp enhances this experience by allowing users to showcase up to 5 images on their company gallery, offering a visual glimpse into what makes your business truly stand out.
- Always follow up
Networking doesn’t just stop after your first meeting – you have to follow up after the event. To nurture a relationship, you should send a text to thank them, or schedule another meeting to catch up. This simple action will allow your meeting to be much more meaningful, and your networking to be more effective.
Bump Pro automates the follow up process, ensuring your leads receive timely and personalized messages using AI. Using the lead manager function, you easily track your leads and measure the success of the networking events you’ve attended.
- Best NFC business card
Here is a compiled a list of the NFC business cards in the market.
When it comes to NFC business cards, there’s no better choice than us. Our platform offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to effortlessly share your information with a simple tap. Unlike our competitors, we prioritise customization, enabling you to showcase your brand identity and essential details flawlessly.
Elevate your networking game with Bumpp <bumpp.io/digital-business-cards> and unlock the full potential of NFC business cards.